Tuesday, 31 March 2015

My Cat

My Cat 31.3.15
My cat was very sick because he was sneezing for 9 days. He is feeling better now. When he was sneezing his nose was dry but his nose is not dry now, it is wet. My cat is Hiny. He will give you hugs if you pat him.


  1. Fab story Macy! I am glad our cat is happy again and he is even wanting to cuddle in for a bit of ice cream agin too.

  2. Great story Macy! It's is my first time looking at your blog. I didn't know that Hiny was sick. Now because of your story I know now.

    From Abbie

  3. Hiny is a very lucky cat to have you for his big sister Macy. That is a very nice story that you have written.
    I herd that you had an Easter Egg Hunt at your place. Wow! What fun.

    Well done.
    Grandad Peter Bethell (Tara's Grandad)

  4. Fabulous story Macy. I could totally imagine poor Heiny's nose being dry. Luckily he had you to give him lots of love while he wasn't feeling too good. Give him lots of pats from us. Do you think Heiny and Louie would be friends?
    Love Auntie Deryn

  5. What a wonderful story about your cat Macy.I like the way you care about animals.Now that he is better you will be able to give him a cuddle.

  6. I hope your cat is better now. From Micah.
